First Choice America Credit Union renewed its host sponsorship of Weirton United Way’s Annual Charity Fall Golf Tournament this year.
At the check presentation, in the front row, are (l-r) Linda Stear, Weirton United Way Executive Director; Chris Hatala, United Way Representative; Scott E. Winwood, First Choice America President/CEO and Board Member; and Robert G. Mrvos, First Choice America Chairman. In the second row (l-r) are Edward L. Kennedy, First Choice America Board Member; Casey Richards, United Way Campaign Chairman; John R. Thayer, First Choice America Board Member; and Kenneth W. Truax, First Choice America Board Member. This picture was taken prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
The tournament will be played at the Mountaineer Woodview Golf Course on Saturday, September 18th starting at 9:00 a.m. Registration will begin at 8:00 a.m. Teams will compete in a four-person scramble format. All proceeds will go to the United Way’s programs helping the needy in the community.