April was Teach Your Child to Save Month! A great start is at First Choice America with our Cool Kids Cash Club. It’s never too early to start saving.
During the month of April we had a few contests to get our youth excited about saving.
Our first contest was a coloring contest. It was open to children in Kindergarten to 4th grade. We had many entries, and the committee really had a difficult time picking winners. Kindergarten winners are Emma Starr, Georgia Doggett and Elizabeth Szydlowski. First grade winners are Luna VanRossem, Aria North, and Michael Collett. Second grade winners are Amari Gegas, Ariya Rhodes, and John Panconi. Third grade winners are Nathan Kirk, Amiena Faulks, and Adalyn Rice. Fourth grade winners are Gabrielle Crossland, Kolvyn Gibson, and Kristopher Wasmer.
Our other contest was for students in 5th thru 8th grade. It was an essay contest. In one hundred words or less we wanted to know the answer to: At what age should you start saving for the future and why it important?
Fifth grade winners are Valentina DiBacco, Michael Soos, and Catherine Tirona. Sixth grade winners are Christopher Jonczak, Sophia Quattrocchi, and Zoey Ronevich. Seventh grade winners are Tyee Barish, Milana Busby, and Erica Hartline. The eighth grade winner is Grace Stouffer.