Pictured are the Board of Directors of First Choice America, from left to right: Edward L. Kennedy, Vice Chairman; Scott E. Winwood, President and Board Member; John R. Thayer, Board of Director; Kenneth W. Truax, Chairman; and Robert G. Mrvos, Treasurer.
First Choice America’s 85th anniversary celebration on May 17, 2024 attracted thousands of members to our eight offices for swag bags and prizes. Each person was given a commemorative goodie bag filled with several give-away items including souvenir 85th anniversary logo key rings.
Each office awarded five $85 cash prizes to members. The Credit Union also awarded five surprise $85 prizes to members who used the Credit Union’s electronic services on May 17th. There was one grand prize winner of a $500 VISA Gift card. The grand prize winner was Michael Gooderl.
The Credit Union was founded on May 17, 1939, and by the end of that year, listed 977 members and assets of $20,000. Today, First Choice America with over 33,500 members and assets of approximately $625 million and ranks as the second largest credit union in West Virginia.